Michelle Bradley - Michelle
was born in Halifax. After training as a teacher, she taught in London. On returning to Yorkshire, she and her mum, Ann, were
introduced to the Five Towns Quiz League by Geoff Swain, and in the 2006/7 season Michelle played for the Grove Gladiators.
She joined my Off-the-Rails team in 2011 and the following season became one of my Leading Ladies. She came from a great family
- her mum, her sister Juliet, and her niece Darryl all played for our team. Michelle was one of those people I liked
immediately and we got on really well. We laughed a lot and had plenty of things in common (especially a love of films) but
most of all she was also an excellent quizzer and a great asset to our team. She really loved quizzing with the FTQL and looked
forward to League games and event nights equally. There wasn’t a team she didn’t like, but playing against the
Little ‘Un was definitely one of her highlights. Another was when Off-The-Rails won the Handicap Cup against the Flanagan’s
New Dudes in 2012. Unfortunately, Michelle was unable to play last season due to health problems. When I visited her in hospital
I would always take some FTQL questions to try, which she really looked forward to. The ladies of our team will miss her very
much and she will always be a Leading Lady. Michelle Bradley
- died 2018 - Obituary by Debby
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